Unlimited French

Study French online anytime, anywhere.

What is France Class?

France Class is the first French language learning platform with unlimited access to all courses 24 hours a day, from a computer or a cell phone.

Why use France Class?

France Class is an excellent way to reinforce the learning of French with hundreds of lessons and thousands of exercises.

Active pedagogy based on discovery, recognition and reuse, hundreds of students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the French language.

What kind of courses are there?

In France Class we offer a French “à la carte”. It means that each student can choose to follow :

-the general course with the elementary, intermediate, advanced level

-specific courses in vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, culture, reading

Who can use the platform?

Online French courses are open to everyone from the age of 14 for :

-learn French for pleasure

-travel, study or live in a French-speaking country

-taking an international exam (Delf,TEF, TCF)

-give an interview (job, embassy, immigration)

How does it work for students who already know French? 

When entering the general course, there is the possibility of giving a placement test that will place the student in the most appropriate level.


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Learn French with complete courses: online courses, audios, real dialogues and exercises.